1 Create your account
Click here and fill the register form. It is very simple, we only need your email, affiliation, country and a password to the next access
2 Login
After your registration, you can access the system here
3 Upload the summaries you want to evaluate
In the Summary page, you can see your uploaded summaries and upload more clicking on

After that, you need to fill the summary form and select your files.

4 Evaluate
In order to evaluate your summaries, you need to go to the Evaluation page and to select a dataset (there are 5 available datasets at NILC-WISE from CSTNews corpus), to set some parameters, to choose a evaluation metric, and to select the summaries you want to evaluate.
Check your previous experiments
Your experiments will be saved in our database. This way, you can check your previous results during your research. However, it is important to say that NILC-WISE is not a comercial system and we do not take any responsability for any problems you may have. So, we encourage you to regularly make backups of your summaries and results.
Change your summaries