Núcleo Interinstitucional de Lingüística Computacional
An Interinstitutional Center for Research and Development in Computational Linguistics


An Approach for Natural Language Information Retrieval  for Portuguese 


Starting Time: 2001

Current Status

Ongoing project which is part of a PhD program (2001-2004)

1) To define one approach for Text Information Retrieval for Portuguese _ Linguarudo.

2) To apply Linguarudo to 2 prototypes, which are related with the search task: one meta-search engine, and one tool to help in the construction of new homepages showing what exist about one subject. 

3) To evaluate the prototypes and contrast the results with others tools for Portuguese to see how good is Linguarudo.

Project's Features

This approach is going to use Natural Language Processing during all the process of retrieving information: indexing, matching, ranking.

Expected Results
1) An IR approach for Portuguese
that gives to the users better quality results and that maybe can inspire some other works in tasks like information filtering, information answering and topic detection. 

2) The 2 prototypes, Leva-e-traz and Maritaca, for initial tests that have chances to be:

Rachel Virgínia Xavier Aires (PhD Student)

Sandra Maria Aluísio (supervisor)

Diana Santos (supervisor)

Financial Support
Fundação para Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN) through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia with the grant POSI/PLP/43931/2001 and co-financed by POSI: since September 2001.

Rachel Aires: raires@icmc.usp.br

Related Publications

    Aires, R. V. X; Aluísio, S. M. (2002). Eu falo português. E daí? Poster in IHC 2002 – 5th Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems, Fortaleza - CE, October, 2002.



Last Update:  12/03/2004