Núcleo Interinstitucional de Lingüística Computacional
An Interinstitutional Center for Research and Development in Computational Linguistics


The Core Thesaurus of Brazilian Portuguese


Starting Time: 1998

Current Status

The Core Thesaurus of Brazilian Portuguese is being crafted to help the users in this particular language-use task by giving them instant access to thousands of synonyms and antonyms for thousands of entries.

Project's Features
Designed to work as an add-in to Windows Word Processors, spreadsheets, e-mail programs, internet browsers and most other applications, helping the users to find the right word fast, while they´re working.

A specially designed and user-friendly computer interface was implemented so as to allow the linguists and the lexicographers to enter and browse the entries, and to monitor the accuracy and consistency of the entries during the thesaurus compilation process.

Expected Results
Sets of synonyms and antonyms which is part of the lexical database DIADORIM.

Team (2001)
Bento Carlos Dias da Silva (coordinator)

Mirna Fernanda de Oliveira

Helio Roberto de Moraes

Daniela A. de Amorim

Christie Gibertoni Paschoalino

Ricardo Hasegawa

Finantial Support
PADCT/Finep - Itautec-Philco (1998-2000)

Bento Carlos Dias da Silva: bento@fclar.unesp.br

Related Publications

Dias da Silva, B. C.; Oliveira, M. F.; Moraes, H. R.; Hasegawa, R.; Amorim, D.; Paschoalino, C.; Nascimento, A. C. A Construção de um Thesaurus Eletrônico para o Português do Brasil. V Encontro para o processamento computacional da Língua Portuguesa Escrita e Falada (PROPOR'2000) Atibaia, SP, 20 a 22 Novembro 2000.
